Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree

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Customer Reviews for Dollar Tree (11)

Review Dollar Tree

wbringg66 Says...


bessiemanuel Says...

review, good

maryeb5 Says...

Love this store!!!!!

michelle greene Says...

150 spurlin rd 1

shekandu Says...

Seriously? Only service dogs are allowed and welcomed in ANY store that sells food items (check your local laws on this subject). I am giving them a 5 star rating because they were kind enough to let you shop with the pooch at all. Leave your furry friend at home next time and give them another chance I think you sell them short. Besides, you can't beat their everyday low prices

kafcupcake56 Says...

I really like shopping at Dollar Tree, but I wish they had more info signs telling what is on each aisle. I still give them a 5 star.

tetraultp Says...

Some people have allergies to pets!! I appreciate the employees saying something about animals in the store and I enjoy shopping at Dollar Tree!

toots Says...

First of all this is a store not a pet shop. I have been going to the dollar tree for a few years now and I have been very happy with the customer service and it is a fun place to shop.

Roger Says...

After shopping the Dollar Tree for several years, I am still hooked on it. Employees are courteous (I have had them walk with me clear across the store to show where an item was) and you can't beat selection OR the price... YEAH! And I leave my pets at home.

binhrji Says...


Joe Says...

Today I went to Dollar Tree with my dog and they said hurry up and shop for what you want and get out because I had a dog. It was very bad customer service. I wish I brought my camcorder along and could put it on YouTube.