

Save-A-Lot Weekly Ad Circular

Week of March 9, 2025 - March 15, 2025


Customer Reviews for Save-A-Lot (23)

Review Save-A-Lot

helenpoteegt Says...

love savalot in Pana, Il

hylerjoyce Says...

I love to shop Save a Lot. Prices are reasonable. I can find things I can't afford anything else cheaper. Sure miss coming now but I can't get out. Keep up the good work. Thank you.

Simone Blocker Says...



love this store

Sabra roberts Says...

I love going to Douglas sav a lot. Customer friendly employees. Helpful and friendly offering low prices makes it worth driving 40 miles.

lmrmich Says...

Love the store, the prices, and the people...

budjohns172 Says...

We are so sorry the Save A Lot in Berlin was closed. Traveling to Millsboro in well worth the ride since your store is the greatest.

kathy Says...

yor search finder for ads does not work properly. i put in 96740(Kona, HI) and it shows me Colorado!!!!

deborah.h620 Says...

weekly ads

deborah.h620 Says...

weekly ads

Thelma Says...

Weekly ads

pamela Says...

Next week coupons

tocctocc Says...

need more adds

Sabrina Says...

There's always long lines the cashiers are rude at the McArthor location

marianne.dangelo Says...

I shop at save a lot every week I love your employee they are friendly and helpful sometimes the lines are long and people get impatient I shop in the store on 200 in Ocala

susanmiller12270 Says...

coca cola

edithd1234 Says...

love the store and the people are the greatest ,their friendly and helpful my store is on 200 in OCALA

wwjdbenn8874 Says...

We go to Save a Lot to Save a Lot, and Save a Lot Saves us a Lot. I mean Really!

nannyk06 Says...

Can't get circular to open in my email. Did you change something????

ynezjackson Says...

I really like the store and the prices of the food. The store personnel are so nice and professional.

nnriley6 Says...

send weekly ad

Peggy Henry Says...

Love your store, the clerks are so friendly and helpful, and the deals are wonderful. I tell everyone about it.

wanda Says...

save alot is a nice clean store and there very helpful when u need somthing