

Smith's Weekly Ad Circular

Week of March 9, 2025 - March 15, 2025


Customer Reviews for Smith's (6)

Review Smith's

Kelly Says...

Cancelled my newspaper, so went online to check smiths weekly flyer. West wants me to order online, and took me through a nonproductive loop 6 times. Never saw the ad, despite choosing store multiple times. On my way to Albertsons.

holidays8 Says...


feliciasmith878 Says...

I love your store Smith's! Friendly and helpful staff. The store is always fresh and clean, but need more deals and sales on allot of your products. Thank u so much for your time. ????

A. Carver Says...

In order to browse through Smith's online weekly ads you have NO CHOICE but to submitt ALL your personal information, email, name, your location, etc....and then once you submit to their rape of your information you go in circles trying to pull up their precious weekly ad...I am surprised they dont require fingerprint identification or blood work before your allowed to glimpse at their sacred goods. I like shopping at Smith's BUT this really pisses me off, it is beyond ridiculous what you have to go through online.

sassafrass4 Says...

Weekly ads

raako Says...

digital coupons